10 Reasons why Linux is better than Windows And Mac

if you have not tried at least once Linux, maybe these 10 reasons why Linux is better than Windows can make you change your mind :why linux is better than windows and mac
  1. Forget about viruses : First Answer to support our question why Linux is better than windows is Virus problem, If the computer shuts down without asking, if strange windows with text incomprehensible and all kinds of warnings appear without you asking, if the emails are sent to all your contacts without your knowledge, then your computer has probably contracted a virus . The main cause is because you are using Windows.Linux hardly contracted the virus. And it’s not like “Oh, well, not very often, you know.” It’s like, “If you’ve never heard of a real virus for Linux, knock once.” Certainly it is just not possible to get one. However, In Linux this happens because of many reasons:
    • Many people use Microsoft Windows, and pirates want to create as much damage (or controls) as possible: therefore aim to Windows. But it is not the only reason, the Apache Web Server (a web server is a program located on a remote computer that sends pages to your browser when required), which is open source software, it boasts the largest market share (against ‘Microsoft IIS Server), but suffers from much fewer attacks / flaws than Microsoft.
    • Linux uses an intelligent control permissions. In Windows, you and every program that you frequently install privileges to do almost anything with the system. If you feel like punishing your PC because it gets rid of your precious work, you can go to system folders and delete anything: Windows will not have anything against it. Obviously, at the next reboot, the problems begin. But are you sure that if you can delete this system stuff, other programs can do this and more. Linux does not admit it. Every time you request to do something that has to do with the system administrator password is required (called the root ), and, if you are the system administrator, you can do it simply does not. Viruses can not walk around and delete or modify what they want in the system, do not have permission to do so.
    • More looks diminish the security issues. Linux is an open source software, that gives an advantage to every programmer in the world that they can take a look at the source code (the “recipe” of any program) and give a helping hand, or simply tell other developers “Hey, what if blah blah blah, can not represent a security flaw? “.
  2. Your System Is Unstable : Second Answer to support our question why Linux is better than windows , example have you ever lost your job because Windows has crashed? Always turn off your computer in the right way or sometimes disconnect the plug because Windows has gone mad and will not let you do anything? Have you ever gotten the “blue screen of death” or error messages telling you that the computer must be turned off for unknown reasons?The latest versions of Windows, especially the “Professional”, are becoming more stable than before. However, these types of problems still happen very often.Obviously, no operating system is perfect, the people who tell you that their lie has never crashed. However, some operating systems are so stable that many users they have never seen crashing, even after a few years. This is true for Linux. Here’s how to say it: when a system crashes needs to be rebooted or shut down, so if your computer can remain up and running for a long time, no matter how much you use, then you can say that the system is stable. Well, Linux is a stable operating System can run for years without being restarted (many servers run Linux, and often do not need to be restarted). Surely, with substantial updates, needs to be restarted (the right way). But if you install Linux and then use it as you like leaving your computer on all the time, you can safely go on like this for years without any worries.
  3. Linux Protects Your Computer : Viruses, trojans, adware, spyware … Windows let in all of these on your computer very easily. The estimated period before a Windows PC (connected to the Internet and with the default installation of the “Service Pack 2″) is infected is 40 minutes (and sometimes it takes as little as 30 seconds).
    So you can
    1) install a firewall,
    2) install an antivirus,
    3) install an anti-adware,
    4) replace Internet Explorer and Outlook with Firefox and Thunderbird and
    5) pray that those pirates are not smart enough to overwhelm all these fines and,
    if a security flaw is discovered, that Microsoft will put us less than a month to make an update available (and this does not happen very often). You can install Linux and have sweet dreams from now on.As we already mentioned in the “virus”, the Open Source software (such as Linux) means more eyes to give the code. Every programmer on the planet Earth can download the code, give it a look and check if it has some security flaws. On the other hand, the only people who can see the source code of Windows (its “recipe”) are those who work for Microsoft. There are hundreds of thousands (maybe millions) against a few thousand. This creates a huge difference.In truth, it is not just the fact of how many holes have a system, compared to others. If there are many flaws, but no one has yet discovered (including pirates), or are minor (not compromise important parts of the system), the pirates will not be able to create a big mess. It ‘s more the fact of how quickly it can be resolved once discovered a flaw . If a security flaw is discovered in an open source program, that anyone in community of open source can give you a look and help you to solve it. The solution (and update) usually appear within a few days, sometimes within hours. Microsoft does not have all this power and often releases security patches in a few months after the leak was discovered (and sometimes published): it is a more than enough time for pirates to do what they want with your computer .
  4. Do not Pay Money For Operating System : You might say ,that you have not paid for Windows.” Are you absolutely sure? If you have a PC with windows operating System than you had paid for it , willing or not but you had. The price of a license for Windows is equal to the amount of a quarter of the price of each new computer . So, unless you have obtained Windows illegally, you get paid. Where do you think that Microsoft will take all his money?On the contrary, you can have Linux completely priceless . It ‘true, all these guys around the world have worked very hard to create an accurate, safe, efficient and good-looking, and all these guys are doing it because everyone can use it for free (if you’re wondering why these guys do this thing, send me an email and I will try to explain it in the best way :) ). To be sure, some companies are doing good business selling support, documentation, telephone help, etc., For your working Linux version, and this is a good thing. But in the vast majority of cases, it does not take a penny.
  5. Linux is Open Source : 


    Linux and the software “Open Source” are “free”. This means that their license is a “free license”, and the most common is the GPL (General Public Licence). GPL is a licence that gives relaxation to every one and allows you to copy the software , see the source code (the “recipe”), modify it, and redistribute it as long as it remains under the GPL.
    So what do you care about freedom? Imagine that Microsoft windows is no more tomorrow (ok, maybe not, but between 5 or 10 years, maybe?). Or imagine that suddenly triple the price of a license of Windows or Office. If you’re tied to Windows, there is nothing you can do. You (or your business) you depend on this company, its software, and you can not make anything work without it (what good is a computer without an operating system?). It is not a serious problem? You depend on a single company and you trust it completely because it makes the computer work the way it should. If Microsoft decides to sell the next copy of Windows to $ 1000, there is nothing you can do , instead you can switch to Linux for free.
    With Open Source, if a particular project or company dies, all the code is open to the community and people can continue to improve it. If this project is especially useful to you, you can do it alone. If a particular bug annoys you can bring it back, talk to the developers, but, much better, you can fix it yourself (or hire someone to do it for you), and send the changes to developers so that everyone can benefit from it. You are free to do (almost) anything you want with the software.
  6. Update All Your Software On a Single Click : Windows has a very convenient tool called “Windows Update”, which helps you to update your operating system with the latest updates available.And what about your non-Microsoft software? Adobe applications? Compressors ZIP? Burning programs? Non-Microsoft Web browsers and email clients, etc.. ? You have to update them all, one by one. It will take time, since each of them has their own system of where linux has a package manger which works as central system, which takes care of everything that is installed in your system, but also all the individual packages installed on your computer. So if you want to have everything up to date, the only thing you need is to press the button “Install Updates” (Install Updates) as below:
  7. Why Copy Software Illegally If You Can Get It For Free :So you’re clean, you * cough * purchased a license for all software that uses * cough *, and no one can tell you anything about it? Well, in this case, congratulations! :)However, for many, let’s be honest, the illegally copied software is a common thing. Copy Adobe Photoshop instead of buying it probably will not make you have nightmares. But you’re so confident that you will not have problems? Not so sure, huh … Software developers are looking for and developing more and more ways to track down illegal owners, and as more and more people have a connection (permanent) broadband, are implementing the online functionality in software applications that monitor and verify that your copy each time you starts.If you run Linux and install free software you never have to worry about this! Very software free (as in free beer) is free (as in free speech). You can find free replacements of existing commercial software. May lack advanced features, but they will be more than enough for many. Here is a list of some commercial program and / the respective / s equivalent:
    Commercial Open source Exist on Windows?
    Adobe Illustrator (~ $ 500) Inkscape Yes
    Adobe InDesign (~ $ 700) Scribus Yes
    Adobe Photoshop (~ $ 600) The GIMP Yes
    Adobe Premiere (~ $ 800) Pitivi, Kino, Cinelerra No
    Adobe Reader (free) Evince, Kpdf, GV Yes
    Apple iTunes (free) Amarok, Rhythmbox, Banshee Yes
    Autodesk 3ds Max (~ $ 3500) Blender Yes
    Autodesk Maya (~ $ 7000) Blender Yes
    Bittorrent (free) Transmission No
    Cubase (~ $ 500) Ardour No
    Kazaa (free) aMule, eMule Yes
    Microsoft Excel (~ $ 200) LibreOffice Spreadsheet Yes
    Microsoft Internet Explorer (free) Firefox, Chrome, Konqueror Yes
    Microsoft Office (~ $ 400) LibreOffice Yes
    Microsoft Windows Mail (free) Thunderbird, Evolution, KMail Yes
    Microsoft Powerpoint (~ $ 200) LibreOffice Presentation Yes
    Microsoft Windows Media Player(free) Mplayer,Xine,Totem,Kaffeine,VLC Yes
    Microsoft Word (~ $ 200) LibreOffice Word Processor Yes
    Microsoft Windows Messenger (Free) Pidgin,aMSN , Kopete Yes
    Black (~ $ 100) Brasero, K3b No
    Pro Tools (~ $ 600) Ardour No
    Quark XPress (~ $ 800) Scribus Yes
    QuickTime Player (Free) Mplayer, VLC, Totem, Kaffeine, Xine Yes
    Winamp (free) Banshee, Rhythmbox, Amarok No
  8.  Why Does Windows get Slower Day By Day : Windows has some design flaws that make it to the base slower day by day and short-lived. You may have experienced or heard from someone that , “The computer performance has become very slow, I have to reinstall microsoft Windows.” Reinstall Windows surely will solve the problem … until next time.You may think that this is the way computers work: they have cool technology, but not very stable. Well, try Linux and you’ll be surprised. From here five years your system will be faster and agile as the day you installed it, without saying that you will not have any kind of virus, adware, trojans, worms, etc.., If there were compel you to reinstall anyway.I was able to convince many people to switch to Linux keeping Windows on their hard drives because they needed some programs that Linux did not have, then they would use both systems. From the day of passage many of them have reinstalled Windows at least once in a year or two, but not Linux has ever abandoned, and still works fine.With Linux you spend time only for work, rather than reinstall it every time.
  9. Do not wait years for bug fixes, report and track the status of the situation :

    Report bugs

    If you find a bug in Windows, you typically have to wait and pray that Microsoft will fix it quickly (and if this compromises the security of your system, you should pray twice). You must be thinking that report that bug to Microsoft (cos’ that create a bugfix faster) is easy. well, think again.  And if Microsoft does not individualise the bug?Well, then let’s hope that the next version of Windows will fix it (but you will have to pay hundreds of bucks).
    Nearly all open source software (including Linux distributions) have a bug tracking system . You can not just bug reports files (and encourage you to do so!) Explaining what the problem is, but you can also keep track of what happens next: everything is open and clear for everyone. Developers will answer you may also ask you some extra information to help them solve the bug. You’ll know when the bug will be repaired and you will know how to get the new version (always free, do not make me repeat). So all you have is people who take care of your problems, that keep you informed, and all this for free! If the problem is solved for your system, you may not be for someone else: it is everyone’s interest to work together to make the software better. It ‘s so that the open source works.
  10. Get free and unlimited support : 

    Get free and unlimited support

    One of the biggest advantages of the Open Source community (and Linux in particular), is that it is a true community. Users and developers are always on forums, mailing lists, IRC channels, to help new users. They are all excited to see more and more people switch to Linux, and I’m happy to lend a hand with their new system.
    So if there is something you do not understand, a program that does not behave in the way you aspettersti, or a feature that you can not enable, please do not hesitate to go and ask for help. If there is someone on your side (family? Colleagues?) Which uses Linux, it will probably be happy to help you. Otherwise, go on the Internet and you will find literally thousands of places where the friendly people will answer to solve the problem: the geeks are actually good people, if you ask for things politely.
Above are the only major noticeable factors that describes why linux is better than windows operating system , but in reality the reasons are unlimited , for sure in coming days you will read 100+ factors that supports why linux is better than windows operating system and a lot more , hope above points clear your state of mind to choose the best .
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